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Peter Lindforss – The Last Poems

  • av Dag Persson

This book con­tains poems Peter Lindfors gave to his fri­end and men­tor Leonard Cohen. Gina Waggott has writ­ten the pre­fa­ce and Jonas Ellerström a short bio­grap­hy. Andreas Björsten con­tri­bu­tes post­script poems as a tri­bu­te to the poet. All three of them were also Lindforss’ friends. 

I Didn’t Use to Like People
I didn’t use to like people
To this day
I’m not sure that I do
But I go out and talk to them
and I come home fee­ling better
Maybe, just maybe
they aren’t just assholes
and I hope this poem
is not just a load of crap

Jonas Ellerström gives the rea­der a bri­ef but insight­ful bio­grap­hy of Lindforss’ life and work – as a fri­end and as a publisher. Peter Lindforss was born in Stockholm on January 19, 1953. Lindforss’ parents were upper midd­le class, and he grew up in a very bour­geois part of cen­tral Stockholm. He went to a pri­va­te school and after gradu­a­ting trai­ned to be a jour­na­list in Gothenburg.

Peter Lindforss´ book debut was in 1976 with a col­lec­tion of poems cal­led Vykort från sjut­ti­o­ta­let, in trans­la­tion ”Postcards from the Seventies”. Until 1984, he published four more col­lec­tions of poetry. He moved from almost pri­va­te pub­li­ca­tion to being accep­ted by a major publisher, but never made a bre­akt­hrough. It see­med he then fell silent, but ins­te­ad he tur­ned to trans­la­tion, and wri­ting scripts and song lyrics for TV and stage shows.

Lindforss spent time in Paris and in New York. In 1981 he meet Leonard Cohen on the Greek island of Hydra and it was the start of an unu­su­al­ly inti­ma­te and long-lasting fri­ends­hip. Cohen beca­me Peter’s men­tor. ”He knew cer­tain things that hadn’t occur­red to me”, said Peter. He would even refer to him as his Master (in a Zen sen­se), but most impor­tant­ly Cohen was a per­son in whom Peter felt gre­at confidence.

He worked as a trans­la­tor for seve­ral years. Many detecti­ve sto­ri­es but also Raymond Chandler’s Marlowe’s Theme — Fifty Letters for Eric Fylkeson’s Janus publishing in 1984 as well as Leonard Cohen’s Book of Mercy into Swedish in 1987.

Omslaget till 'The last poems' av Peter Lindforss

FP–237 • ISBN: 9789189762312

Gina Waggott says in the book’s pre­fa­ce that Cohen descri­bed Peter Lindforss as ”He’s a geni­us… and quirky.” In 2007 Peter and Gina struck up a strange fri­ends­hip via email, after she asked him for a copy of The Man Who Destroyed My Life, Peter’s Swedish book on Cohen. They star­ted sha­ring music, poems, pho­tos and sil­ly memes. Later, they also met in Stockholm. She was 27 and Peter was 55. ”I’ve always wan­ted a litt­le sis­ter”, he said. ”Looks like I’ve final­ly got one.” Read Gina Waggott’s per­so­nal pre­fa­ce whe­re she descri­bes, among other things, how she and the Cohen tri­ed to main­tain con­tact with Peter Lindforss.

Peter Lindforss and Leonard Cohen backstage at the Globen venue, Stockholm, October 15, 2008

Peter Lindforss and Leonard Cohen back­stage at the Globen venue, Stockholm, October 15, 2008

In 2007, Lindfors’ book The Man Who Ruined My Life was published by eller­ströms Publishing. It is about his long fri­ends­hip with Leonard Cohen. Andreas Björsten, fri­end of Peter’s and one of the few peop­le in Sweden who beli­e­ved in him as a poet, tri­ed to get him some recog­ni­tion by edi­ting and publishing a col­lec­tion cal­led Det finns mer (There Is More) in 2014. But by then, Lindforss had alre­a­dy left his apart­ment and was living home­less on the stre­ets of Stockholm.

Peter Lindforss withdrew from soci­e­ty and lived as a home­less man. He final­ly died of acu­te alco­hol poi­so­ning on July 26, 2015. A couple of obi­tu­a­ri­es appe­a­red and then it see­med as if eve­ry­o­ne had for­got­ten the poet Peter Lindforss.

PRIS: 200:-





Omslaget till 'De långa resorna är över' av Peter Lindforss med poeten sittande i sin lägenhet
In 2023, Andreas Björsten and Jonas Ellerström com­pi­led a volu­me of poems in Swedish. Some had been published in the maga­zi­ne Den Blinde Argus, others were from an unpublished book manuscript, and a sub­stan­ti­al sec­tion were poems that Peter Lindforss sent to his fri­ends befo­re he was evic­ted from his apart­ment, and final­ly poems he sent to fri­ends as text mes­sa­ges during his last years. Fri Press published this book under the tit­le De långa resor­na är över, and it has met with gre­at acclaim. At least post­hu­mously, Peter Lindforss has achi­e­ved recog­ni­tion as a poet.



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